恭喜『宜大』與『台科』團隊在IEEE ECCE 2020 國際學生專題展示競賽各別榮獲全球第一名與第二名佳績

Congratulations to the NIU team for winning first prize and the Taiwan Tech team for winning second prize in the IEEE ECCE 2020 Student Project Demonstrations IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition(ECCE) is a representative international conference in the field of power electronics. Since 2011, ECCE conferences have held student demonstration activities, which showcase student researchresults through activities and establish academic connections and shared advancement among universities around the world. It also promotes in-depth interaction with academia and industry. World-class universities will actively participatein this competition to enhance the opportunities for mutual exchange and learning.Due to the pandemic this year, the student project demonstrations were conducted in an online virtual mode. There were 19 participating teams, including teams from the University of Cambridge, Illinois Institute of Technology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,University of Alberta, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of California San Diego, and Texas Tech. Each team showcased their results of the research projects through recorded videos. Members of the industry and academia formed a review panel to evaluate the demonstration projects.National Ilan University team competed with a project on“High-Performance Solar PV Charger Systems for Drones”and the Taiwan Tech team competed with a project on“High Power Density MHz LLC Converter using Half-Turn Transformer”. In the end, both Taiwan teams stood out on top of the 19 world-class teams from around the globe. [NIU ECIE] Demo video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gvoIbj536c [NTUST CPET] Demo video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpsIKR-pz94